Steps to enter these commands:

1. Create a private lobby game in Dota 2 and check ‘Enable Cheats’ box.
2. When the game begins, open you chat chat box by pressing “Enter” button.
3. Write down you desired command followed by dash [ - ].
4. Press enter and check the results.




-lvlup n
-lvlup 25
Levels up your hero
-gold n
-gold 15000
Gives you gold
Resets cooldowns and gives full hp/mana
Respawns your hero
Spawns creeps instantly
Disables lane creep spawning. Use -enablecreepspawn to undo this change.
Sets timer to 0:00, creeps spawns…game starts.
Kill all creeps.
Destroys all wards.
Removes cooldown, Mana cost etc. Use -unwtf to undo this change.
-item <item_name>
-item item_blink
Gives specified item
-givebots <item_name>
-givebots item_blink
Give all bots the specified item.
Displays ping time with server.
-createhero <unit_name> [enemy]
-createhero npc_dota_hero_lion
-createhero npc_dota_hero_lion enemy
-createhero npc_dota_goodguys_siege
Creates specified unit [as enemy]
 Note: The above mentioned commands will only work in single player mode. Make sure you have enabled cheats while creating game.